Knee replacement/Total knee replacement, also known as knee arthroplasty, is a surgical operation that resurfaces a damaged knee caused by arthritis. To cap the bone-end producing the knee joints with the kneecap, plastic and metal pieces are employed. We can lessen your pain and get you back on your feet with minimal and total knee replacement surgery at Metrocare hospitals. Our doctors are trained in a variety of surgical techniques in order to provide you with the best care possible. We provide you with the freedom of mobility by providing you with access to world-class resources in terms of support workers, care teams, and treatment facilities. At Metrocare Hospitals, our top surgeons have years of experience and customize treatment plans based on the needs of patients.
- Your knee pain is getting more intense and frequent
After a lengthy vehicle journey or a long day on our feet, we all get a twinge in our knees. While this is inconvenient, it is quite natural – and the aches normally disappear almost as quickly as they appeared. Regular or severe knee discomfort, on the other hand, is not typical.
Everyone experiences pain differently, however, there are a few typical forms of pain that we advise our patients to be aware of, including:
- Knee pain that lasts more than a few weeks
- Knee pain that keeps you awake at night
- Knee pains before and after exercise
- Knee pain that doesn’t react to over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen
- Knee pain that gets worse in humid or cold conditions
- Your mobility has become increasingly limited
As you become older, it’s natural to lose joint flexibility. However, chronic knee stiffness that limits mobility could indicate a more serious knee problem.
What should you keep an eye out for? When we discuss knee replacement surgery with our patients, the following are the most common mobility concerns we see:
- Knee stiffness that worsens after sitting for a long time, such as on a lengthy car ride or while watching a movie
- Knee stiffness that necessitates the use of a cane or other form of mobility aid
- Morning knee stiffness that lasts up to 30 minutes
- Difficulty walking or climbing stairs, rising up from seats, or coming out of the bathtub
- You notice swelling in your knee
Cartilage protects your knee from the pressure and friction that walking and moving puts on it. Knee osteoarthritis, for example, can cause the cartilage around your knee to wear down. Arthritis is a painful condition that causes inflammation. Knees can also enlarge when they are irritated.
So, if you have persistent or recurring knee swelling, don’t ignore it. For starters, you’re probably dealing with growing discomfort and mobility concerns. Knee swelling that is chronic or recurring can be an indication of cartilage injury, which can lead to increased wear and tear.
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