Urinary tract infection symptoms and precautions

 One of the most common urinary problems in women is urinary tract infection (UTI), which is also one of the most common bacterial infections. It’s considered a major health risk. A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an illness that affects any region of your urinary system. It usually begins with a vaginal infection. Though the illness mostly affects the lower urinary system, the bladder, and the urethra, it can also damage the kidneys and ureters.

What makes women more prone to UTI?

It’s a matter of anatomy. The urethra (the opening to the urinary tract) is shorter in women than in men. It means germs must travel a shorter distance. The proximity of a woman’s urethra and rectum is another factor that puts her at risk. Bacteria in the rectum can easily infect the urethra.

Some women get recurrent UTIs. A recurring UTI occurs when a woman becomes infected three times per year or twice every six months.

What are the causes of UTI?

UTI is caused by bacteria entering the urinary tract through the urethra, as we’ve already seen. They begin to multiply in the bladder after that. Even though the urinary system has its own defense mechanism against these microscopic invaders, it doesn’t always work.

1) Infection of the bladder (cystitis) and 2) Infection of the urethra are the two most prevalent types of UTIs in women (urethritis). Let’s have a look at the causes of these two UTI types.

E. coli bacteria, which are often found in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, cause cystitis. Cystitis can also be caused by germs other than the ones listed above. This type of UTI can be caused by sexual activity, but it can also be caused by women who are not sexually active. Because of their anatomy, all women are susceptible to cystitis.

When GI bacteria move from the anus to the urethra, it causes urethritis. Sexually transmitted infections like herpes, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, and mycoplasma are also causes of urethritis.

Female anatomy, sexual activity, certain methods of birth control, menopause, urinary tract anomalies, urinary tract obstructions, a reduced immune system, catheter use, and a recent urinary operation are all risk factors for UTI

What are the symptoms of UTI?

The symptoms of a urinary tract infection vary depending on which portion of the urinary system is infected.

If the kidneys are infected, the following symptoms will occur:

– Pain in the upper back and sides

– Extremely high fever

– Chills and shaking

– Vomiting – Nausea

If the bladder is infected the following symptoms occur:

– Pressure in the pelvis

– Discomfort in the lower abdomen

– Painful and frequent urination 

– Urine with blood

If the urethra is infected, burning sensations while urinating and discharge are common symptoms.

What are the options to reduce your risk of UTI?

– Drink plenty of water

– Drink cranberry juice

– Wipe from front to back

 – Keep your surroundings clean

– Change birth control methods

– Empty bladder shortly after intercourse

At least 50 percent to 60 percent of women are infected with UTI at some point during their lives. While women are more susceptible to UTI, there is a lot that can be done to prevent it.
